Thursday, December 2, 2010

Grab Bag-Caboodle Super Model Ult Organizer

I've been eyeing Blanche Babcock's Caboodle for a while and decided it was time to get my own!

I checked Amazon and eBay first and wound up finding a cute pink one on eBay. I thought the price was okay ($17.50 I believe) but the shipping was $13.50! Yikes! I paid it forward anyway since it was exactly what I was looking for...or so I thought!

The Caboodle isn't nearly as large as I had hoped. I can't fit a liner without lying it diagonally and my Coastal Scents 88's won't fit in the bottom compartment. Bummer! The seller is a tackle company or something. Which would explain my next complaint-there are scuffs all over! :/ some worse than others. One side of the Caboodle looks like a cat scratched it. It's still nothing horrible, but the item was supposed to be new and there's no way that damage happened during shipping!

The print and color are adorable and the lock is a great feature. It feels sturdy and has 4 posts on each corner so the bottom stays clean.

Anywhoo, I did manage to get my money for shipping back, so I guess I can't complain too much. I still want a larger one for gigs and long trips, but I definitely am satisfied with what I got.

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